St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Reception Class Page

December 2023

Christmas celebration!


The children in reception have been very busy this festive season. We have learnt about the nativity story and have discussed the preparation leading up to Christmas, such as the advent wreath. The children have enjoyed watching a new candle light up very week of this month. We made Christmas cards for our grown ups just in time for the party in school! We dressed up in our costumes and sang our songs on the stage for all of our family and friends to watch in school. We also took part in some very exciting Christmas games and danced in the hall. We had a Christmas party where we able to come in our own clothes and had a very special visit from Santa, he gifted us all a book each to take home. On the last day of school, we all had a special Christmas dinner for lunch! It was a very lovely Christmas and we had an amazing time celebrating together!

November 2024

Making bread!

In our literacy lessons, we have been reading the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. We decided that we would like to make our own bread too! We watched a video on ‘big cook little cook’ to help us understand the steps to making bread. We made our shopping list and took turns to gather all the ingredients together in a bowl.

 We made sure to follow the recipe and measure all the ingredients. To make our bread we added flour, sugar, salt, yeast, oil and water! After this, we kneaded our dough and shaped them into balls. We left them to rise for an hour. A grownup helped to put them into the oven and took them out to cool. We then ate our bread with some butter. They were very delicious and warm!

November 2024

Heaton park trip!

Reception had an amazing time on our Heaton park trip. The children were able to explore through the play area, they enjoyed playing on the swings, slides ,spring rockers and many more varieties of equipment. We then continued our trip to the animal farm. We seen hens, peacocks, pigs, and a Llama too! We had a special biscuit and juice too before we headed back to school!


October 2024



During the festive time of Diwali, we have been exploring the many ways it is celebrated. We were able to design our own Rangoli patterns with colourful diamonds and make our own Diva candles!

We also sang a very special Diwali song. We had a lot of fun dancing to Indian music for the festival of lights and celebrating the beginning of the new year for Hindus.

We also had a very fun party, we came to school in our special clothes. In the party we were able try different foods such as onion bhajis and healthy foods such as carrots, apples and cucumbers!

October 2024


We have been finding out about harvest and how it is celebrated at home and in school. The children learned that harvest is a time to say thank you and a time for sharing.  Some children wanted to contribute to our harvest collection and brought food donations from their cupboards at homes. The children also enjoyed taking part in our whole school harvest celebration.

October 2024

Autumn leaves

The children were inspired by the story ‘Leaf Man’. In child-initiated outdoor learning a group of children created leaf people.  Other children collected leaves with their families on the way home from school. 

As a class we went on an autumn walk in the wider school grounds.  We observed the trees and the fallen leaves.  The children collected their favourite leaves to use in creative activities.

The children used their leaves along with a selection of collage materials and PVA glue to create their own leaf people.

Look at our artwork!

October 2024

Exploring construction

The children have been exploring our outdoor construction materials both independently and with a little adult support.  Look at what we have been making! 

October 2024

Reception Family Afternoon

Our Reception class children and their families came together in the school hall to learn, play and have fun together.  Parents and carers had the opportunity to find out more about our phonics scheme.  We talked about the importance of phonics and ways to support children to develop their phonics skills at home.  The children were keen to show their families their school, their new friends and their teachers.

Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to all of our new and returning children, parents and carers. Starting Reception is an exciting time, your child will learn lots of new things and acquire new skills. We are really looking forward to the year ahead.

The children are settling well and they are enjoying meeting new friends and exploring our resources.

Welcome Newsletter 

 Let's Celebrate!

This term our theme is ‘Let’s Celebrate’.  This theme will give the children lots of opportunities to learn about themselves, their friends and their teachers. We’ll celebrate one another’s achievements and the qualities which make us each unique and special. We’ll celebrate friendship, family and the people who are important to us.  The children will also learn about and celebrate a selection of autumn festivals including Harvest, Diwali and Christmas.

We want to make learning exciting for your child and we welcome any ideas from home.


Nursery and Reception have chosen to support the BookTrust as their class charity.

Packed Lunch Policy

Intended Learning for the Autumn Term

October 2024                                                              

Nature walk 

Today the children in reception went on a walk around the big playground, where they were able to see the apple trees. They also spotted some pears growing and remembered the book which they read often during story time 'The Bear Under the Stairs'. In the story a yellow pear is given to the very hungry bear.

Our Class Charter
Together we made a class charter. We made special promises to be
ready to learn, respectful and safe. We try our best to be kind and
helpful and to share the resources. We also do our good sitting,
looking and listening at learning times. We love learning and playing