St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed


The staff in school are all trained in safeguarding and can recognise signs of abuse and neglect.  The school also has a Designated Safeguarding Team.  The main Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Ms. Shah.  The other DSLs are Miss Rickman, Miss Atkinson, Mrs. Plaiter, Mrs. Butterworth Miss Cookson and Mrs. Miller. 

The governor for safeguarding is Kate Bennett.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, you have a duty of care to report those concerns and safeguard the child. Please speak to a staff member or one of the DSLs if you have any concerns.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. That's why ALL school staff must read and understand Part 1 of the DfE's statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education.  The document is really important and you may find it useful to read too.

This link will take you to an external website where the document has been translated into many different languages. 

Manchester's first ever Safeguarding Conference for Children!

As a Gold Rights Respecting School, we were invited to be part of Manchester's first ever safeguarding conference!  It was a fantastic success, enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Gracey and Muyiwa represented our school and helped the overall organisation of the day!  They were amazing!

Click on the bulletin below to find out more!

Talk Pants

At St Augustine's we work very closely with the NSPCC to ensure that our children are kept safe.

The NSPCC's PANTS campaign aims to keep children safe from abuse.

The Underwear Rule is a simple way that parents can help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex.

To find out more, watch the video below or visit the NSPCC's 'Talk Pants' website here.

Click on the following links to support your child to understand the PANTS rule using Makaton


The following link helps children understand the PANTS rule with the help of Pantosaurus

Another website where you can find information, resources, publications and posters is Parents Protect. 


Click below to find out more...