St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

                                 Year 2

'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind' Week 

Letter Writing

In English, Year 2 have been learning how to write formal and persuasive letters. They have covered the different features of a letter and how it should be structured. The focus of the letters is to ask our Headteacher – Ms Shah – if we are allowed to get 2 Guinea pigs as class pets. The children have been doing lots of learning about Guinea pigs, to ensure their letters can be as persuasive as possible.


As part of our science focus on 'Living Things and Their Habitats', we looked into life cycles. To get a visualisation of a cycle, we got some class tadpoles. We watched them grow into froglets and a few into little frogs, this was very beneficial for Year 2. 

                                     SATs Information

Eid Celebration Party

On Friday 28th April, Year 2 celebrated the end of Eid with a party. During our celebration, we played party games like pass the parcel and musical statues, danced and tried some traditional foods.

We all had lots of fun celebrating!

                                                          Science Week

Year 2 had lots of fun creating cars for our whole school 'create a car' competition. We used different materials to make our cars and tested them out to see which travelled the furthest distance. We were DELIGHTED to win! Our winning car travelled over 5metres! We were all excited to receive our prize of hot chocolate and marshmallows... it was delicious! Well done Year 2!

Year 2 got to experince a ZOO2U visit to school.

The children saw many different animals and learnt about their habitats and what food they enjoyed eating!

Year 2 got to interact with Duprasi Gerbils, an African Pigmy hedgehog, an African Giant Milipede, a Bearded Dragon and a Barn Owl. We had so much fun learning all about them!

                                              World Book Day

Year 2 had an amazing World Book Day exploring the book Quest - by Aaron Becker .



In History, Year 2 have been learning about Aviator Amy Johnson. Amy Johnson was the first female pilot to fly solo from England to Australia. Year 2 took part in a Conscience Alley to debate whether they would fly Amy's Plane - Jason - solo or not!

                         Year 2's Art Gallery 

Year 2 have created some wonderful Art work that we have showcased around our classroom. We have created Lighthouses, Dragons and Dragon eggs!

Spring Term

Autumn Term

                                     Christmas Party Day 

                                             KS1's Christmas Performance

Year 1 and 2 worked really hard on their fantastic Christmas performance of The Little Stars' Story . It filled all our hearts with happiness and we were so proud of everyone for their  amazing singing and dancing!

As part of Year 2's DT lesson we designed, then made healthy wraps. The children really enjoyed creating delicious wraps, which they took home to enjoy!

Year 2 created some lighthouse masterpieces as part of their homework. The children used recycled boxes, tubes and paper to make their models. The Year 2 staff were amazed by their creations!

Year 2 got the opportunity to take part in an African Drumming lesson. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!

                                                         Year 2

                               Autumn Term

In Year 2 we got to pick apples and pears from our School grounds.

We thoroughly enjoyed picking and eating them too!

Take Over Day 2022

Article 13: You have the right to find things out and share with others as long as it doesn't offend 

Year 2 had a fantastic time becoming Teachers for the day. The children taught lots of different lessons throughout the day! 

Article 29 Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

Article 31 Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of activities.

Class Charity

Article 2: The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

                                                  Pupil Voice 

Article 12: Every child has the right to have their voice heard.