St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Our Vision (Intent)

Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop in every child a sense of self-worth, self-confidence, independence and responsibility. We teach knowledge and develop understanding and skills that enable pupils to play an active, positive role within school, the local community and wider society. PSHE education enables pupils to make informed decisions and choices that will keep themselves and others safe.  It also promotes responsible attitudes towards the maintenance of good physical and mental health. We support pupils to develop values and a moral framework, helping them understand how to treat others with kindness and respect.  Our curriculum develops pupils’ respect for all people and the differences between them.  Pupils understand the characteristics of a healthy relationship and recognise unacceptable behaviour. Pupils learn about local and global issues and develop a responsible and caring attitude towards the environment and our planet.

What does this look like in our school? (Implementation)

PSHE education is at the heart of our school curriculum.  It provides opportunities for all pupils to engage with our whole school ethos of ‘Love, Hope, Forgiveness and Respect’ and its implications in terms of caring for ourselves, others and the environment, sharing our knowledge, skills and friendship, and learning to learn together, to live together and to grow together.

We deliver a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum, which is progressive and reflects the needs and experiences of our school community.  We use resources from Kapow Primary and additional supporting materials from Manchester Healthy Schools. Lessons are differentiated to ensure they are accessible to all.  Parents and carers are welcome to view lesson content and resources with teaching staff.  They are also involved in their child's learning through newsletters, class assemblies and family workshops.

Our half termly whole school themes are delivered through weekly PSHE lessons, assemblies and cross curricular activities. The curriculum is further enhanced by whole school themed weeks such as ‘Friendship Week’, ‘Staying Safe Week’ and ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Week’. PSHE is delivered through a varied range of activities, which promote dialogue and understanding. These include: circle time, active teaching and learning, role play/scenarios and small group and whole class discussions. PSHE is taught in a safe, non-judgmental environment where adults and children are confident that they will be respected.  This gives the children the opportunity to express ideas and feelings, listen to others, reflect and resolve conflicts. 

Curriculum Overview

What's been going on in P.S.H.E. across school this term?

Staying Safe Week 

February 2023

The children have been learning important knowledge and skills to support them to keep themselves and others safe.

Here are some of the children's highlights.


Nursery  enjoyed learning about people who help us to keep safe.

Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed learning emergency first aid skills.

Year 3

Year 3 enjoyed learning about road safety and staying safe while out and about.