St Augustine's CofE Primary School

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St Augustine Street, Manchester, M40 8PL


St Augustine's CofE Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 6

Mini Story


A very warm welcome back, to all of our lovely Year 6 pupils. Your teaching team hope you have had a well deserved rest and that you're ready for your very final term, with us here at 'St Augustine's'. Lets make it the best one yet! - full of achievements and everlasting memories.

Fancy That

distracted musician


Richardson Fancy Block

Fancy That

Team Year 6's Mini Athletes...
Team Year 6's Mini Athletes...

Richardson Fancy Block

Daisuky Fancy

Article 31: You have the right to rest and play


Fancy Card Text

Some of our powerful prayers

Richardson Fancy Block





Article 29 - Children have the right to develop their talents


 On Tuesday the 24th May, Year 6 were invited along to a taster session at Hough End, in south Manchester. The purpose of the visit was to demonstrate to young people what it is like to compete in a Triathlon, which  consists of three main events. Each child had a go at swimming, bike riding and running. The main goal was to develop sportsmanship and comradery. Our pupils made staff extremely proud on how they cheered one another on. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces at the end, having each achieved a medal for taking part.


 2,101 Triathlon Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Our Class Family
Our Class Family


Article 29 - Children have the right to develop their talents

On Friday the 20th of May, 14 of our wonderfully skilled footballers were invited to 'Manchester City's training ground. They luckily had the opportunity to compete against other local schools in a competitive tournament. Our team worked amazingly well to get as far as the quarter finals which is the furthest we have ever gotten in this type of competition. All of the children were shining stars: were very respectful and worked co-operatively whilst representing our school.


                                            A massive well done to all participants!

Superstars in the making
Superstars in the making


Tuesday 17th May 2022

Article 28 - Children have the right to a good quality education


 Today, we were all lucky enough to visit 'Manchester Central Library'. Our class got to meet a famous, author called Chris Smith. We learnt how drawing a map can inspire us to write creative stories. As a group, we also had the chance to have our questions answered by a professional writer. It was fun listening about Chris' career.

                                                           90,329 Book Clipart Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock


Friday 20th May, 2022

Hot Chocolate

Very well done to Alana! She was chosen to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah! 

Eid Party

Article 14- Freedom of thought and religion
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Friday 6th May, 2022

Today we had our Eid party! We all wore our party clothes, played games and ate party food. We had an excellent time celebrating our Muslim friends and their faith. Eid Mubarak!

Design Technology Playground Project

Article 13- Sharing thoughts freely
rticle 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

 Friday 1st April, 2022

Today we spent all afternoon creating the playgrounds we have been planning in DT. We worked in groups and used everyday materials like cardboard, straws, lollypop sticks and toilet roll tubes to build models of playgrounds. It was a great afternoon! 

Thursday 3rd March, 2022

World Book Day

Article 17- Access to information
Article 28- Access to education
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Today was World Book Day! To celebrate books, authors, illustrators and reading, the whole school dressed as book characters or wore their pyjamas. We celebrated with a costume parade in assembly, where the pupils walked around the hall to show off their looks. In class time we took part in "Drop Everything and Read" where we took time out of the lesson to read our books. In the afternoon, Year Six visited Year One and read to the younger pupils. Overall, it was a great day!  

Tuesday, 8th February 2022

Internet Safety Play-in-a-Day

Article 16- Protection of privacy 
Article 17- Access to information
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Today we worked with a visitor from outside of school to create a play about Internet Safety. It is Internet Safety Week and we felt that it was important to share what we have been learning about how to be safe online. We worked all together to rehearse and perform our play.

Friday 14th January, 2022

Hot Chocolate

Very well done to Freedom! He was chosen to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah! 

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Year 6! We hope that you enjoyed your holidays and are ready for an exciting year of learning. 

Your wonderful teachers, Mr. Mayne, Mr. Reynolds, and Miss. Jones are delighted to be a part of your final year of primary school. 
We look forward to keeping you updated throughout the year about our learning, special events, and memories that we create. 
Please remember that Year 6 have PE on Wednesday and Friday. Children need to have trainers, black tracksuit bottoms and a white tee shirt ready for both days. 
Mr. Mayne, Mr. Reynolds and Miss. Jones

Year Six Class Representatives


School Council:



Eco Group:




Rights Respecting:



Wednesday 1st December, 2021

Christmas Tree!!!

Today, everyone put a bauble on the school Christmas tree. As year Six Students, we had to reach up high to get our decorations on the highest branches of the tree. On top of this, our very own Stephanie was chosen by Ms Shah to turn on the lights on the tree in a whole school assembly! Well  done Stephanie!

Happy Advent, everyone!! 

Wednesday 24th November, 2021

Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters

Article 17- Access to information
Article 28- Access to education
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Today we visited the Stockport Air Raid Shelters and learned about what life was like for evacuee children during World War II. Below is a video showing what we got up to on the trip!

Friday 12th November, 2021

Hot Chocolate!

Very well done to Erica! She got chosen to have hot chocolate with Ms Shah! 

Thursday 11th November, 2021

Remembrance Day Assembly

Article 13- Sharing thoughts freely
Article 17- Access to information
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Today Year Six presented a very special assembly to whole whole school. We used the information that we have been learning in our History lessons on World War Two and taught the whole school about the history of Remembrance Day. We lead the school in their two minute silence and performed the famous poem, In Flanders Fields by John McCrae. Below is a video of our assembly.

Class Residential Trip to Great Tower

Article 41- Health, water, food, environment
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

Takeover Day

Friday 24th September, 2021

Article 13- Sharing thoughts freely
Article 28- Access to education
Article 31- Rest, play, culture, arts

In Year Six, our takeover day teacher was David and our Teaching Assistant was James.

Three Year Six pupils were elected by the whole school to be part of the Senior Leadership Team.

Ugonna was the Headteacher, Leah was the Deputy Head and Sarah was the Business Manager.

The timetable for the day was as follows:

The History and Geography of Eritrea- Kisanet, Oliver and Oghosa

Clay- Stephanie, Mia and Shyanne

How to Draw a Shipwreck- Ali and Fin

Sketching Faces- Adenike, Razan and Erica

Kahoot- Prince and Ugonna

Using Scratch- Gracey and Darcy

Basketball and Football- James, David, Preston and Muyiwa

The day was highly successful- the students and staff had a wonderful day! Thank you to all the pupils for working so hard and presenting fabulous lessons!

Enjoy the photos below from the day :)

Autumn Term Newsletter


Article 17- Access to information
Article 42- Everyone must know children's rights

On Thursday 16th September, we worked with Ms Shah to create presentations about the Rights Respecting Steering Group, Ready, Respect and Safe, and Climate Change. Below are some videos of the work we did.

Our Class Prayer