Squash Taster Session
On Wednesday 17th July the children in year 4 were given the opportunity to have a squash taster session.
Usually squash is played in a court surrounded by walls, but this was an off the wall session.
The children played outside and had to hit the ball off a net in the centre of the court.
We had many talented players and the children all enjoyed themselves.
Today was sports day in school. All the children were put into different teams and took part in different sporting activities. There were some tricky things like egg and spoon race, obstacle course and sprinting races. The children worked well in their teams and had lots of fun.
Heaton Park
As our last trip in year 4, we went to Heaton Park.
We got to visit the farm and spent time on the park.
Even the rain did not put us off having a great time.
As a treat we all got an ice cream.
Everyone had a lovely day.
Class Assembly
On Thursday 4th July it was year 4's class assembly.
We shared all that we had been learning about 'The Vikings'
and about our trip to Murton Park.
We even had some fantastic acting.
St Augustine's Got Talent
On Friday 14th June, St Augustine's held their annual talent show.
We have many, many talented children in school, but sadly only two acts per class went through to the final talent show.
Everyone was blown away by the many different acts and it was a very hard decision who to vote for.
Year 4's two acts were amazing and you can see them below.
Well Done to everyone who took part.
We think you are all winners!
On Thursday 13th June, the Digital Ambassadors went to Hough End Police Centre to present to other schools.
They shared all that they have been doing in our school regarding Bullying and Cyber-Bullying.
The children made a power point to share with the whole school and with the other schools that were taking part.
The digital Ambassadors did a really good job and everyone was really impressed with their work.
Take a look below at the fabulous PowerPoint the children made by themselves.
Article 15: Every child has the right to meet with other children and join groups and organisations.
In class year 4 have been learning about Vikings so on Friday 7th June, we went on a trip to Murton Park.
At Murton Park the children got to learn much more about Viking life and become vikings for the day.
The children got to dress up and become members of a viking family.
They had to learn the different jobs vikings would do. They became viking soldiers and enacted a battle.
Everyone had a great time and came away knowing lots more about viking life.
Article 17: Every child has the right to reliable information from a variety of sources.
Article 28: Every child has the right to an education.
Blue Peter Live
On Friday 10th May, some year 4 and 5 children were lucky enough to go to Media City to take part in the
Blue Peter live show.
Not only were the children part of the audience but two lucky children got to take part in the make section
of the show.
This episode was to celebrate the new series of 'Dr Who'.
Wajdan and Scarlett did a fantastic job and would be fantastic presenters in the future.
All the children had a great time and even got to meet Henry the dog.
Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.
On Thursday 2nd May, Year 4 went on a trip to Tatton Park.
They got to visit an old farm house and see lots of the animals on the farm.
The weather was beautiful so they got to have a picnic outside before enjoying lots of free time on the park. Everyone had a great time.
Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.
Year 4 got to spend some time with the ducks that have hatched in the year 2 classroom.
They got to spend some time with them outside and enjoyed watching them splash about in some water.
On Monday 25th March, some year 4,5 and 6 children went on a 4 day residential to the
Honeypot House in Pen Y Bryn Wales.
The residential is designed to support children with self esteem, confidence and build their confidence whilst having fun. The children took part in lots of different activities where they learnt new coping strategies and worked on problem solving and built up their independence.
The children had great fun making worry monsters, jolly jars, self portraits, pizza's and much more. They also went on a fantastic trip to the British Iron Works where they saw lots of fantastic sculptures and went on an extinction trail. Whilst at the house they got to play on the outdoor equipment like bikes, go karts and trampolines. They even got to go swimming in the Honeypot's swimming pool.
All the children had a fantastic time and came away with lots of happy memories.
Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.
Experience Easter
Year 4 got the opportunity to visit Saviour Church to find out more about the Easter Story. They got to visit different stations where they looked in more detail at different parts of the story.
World Book Day
For 'World Book Day' the children in school got the chance to come to school dressed in either their pyjamas or a book character from their favourite book.
We started the day off by having an assembly and talking about some of our favourite books and character.
All the children in school were then given a paper plate and asked to go away and make their favourite book character.
Year 4 have made some amazing characters.
Over the last half term the children in year 4 have been taking part in Taekwondo lessons. T
hey have been learning lots of different skills and technical moves.
On Wednesday 6th March they were invited along to the GB Taekwondo Centre to be graded. All of the children showcased their talents and were awarded their first belt.
Whilst at the centre they got to see some of the GB team training and were able to ask them some questions.
On Friday 16th February, some children from school were chosen to take part in a table tennis challenge.
Adeife from our class was one of the chosen children.
They were taken by Ms Shah to the Great Northern, where they got a chance to try out some table tennis.
They all had great fun.
Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.
Here is the Youtube link to the playlist of songs for our Easter Play...
Shrove Tuesday
Today we made pancakes in class.
Everyone enjoyed them.
On our return from the Zoo, we discovered that we had a new member of our class!
Her name is Oona.
Chester Zoo
On Thursday 8th February, Years 1 to 6, went to visit Chester Zoo.
Even though it was raining all day the children had an amazing time.
We saw lots of different animals and some classes took part in some workshops.
Year 4 took part in a stop motion animation workshop.
The workshop was about conservation and how the zoo work in many countries to support the welfare of animals.
The children were given a problem faced by some animals and they had to use lego to create a film where they had come
up with a solution to the problem. The films the children created were fantastic!
Article 31: Children have the right to rest and play and take part in a range of activities.
Here are just a couple of the stop motion animations year 4 made at Chester Zoo.
Keeping Safe Week 5th-9th February 2024
As part of our work around keeping safe Year 4 Visited the Fire Station in Bury.
The children found out lots of information around how fires start and things people can do to minimise the risks. They got to practice some basic life saving first aid.
The children had a great day and learnt lots of things that could possibly one day save theirs or someone elses life.
Fun in the snow!
Monday 15th January 24
When the children arrived at school they were excited to see all the snow on the playground and field.
At break the they went out to have some fun making snow people. Even though it was really cold they had lots of fun.
Autumn Term
Christmas singing square at Savior
On the 18th December, year 4 and 5 went over to 'Saviour Primary School' where they all got to sing Christmas songs together. Everyone was in a great mood as they sang in harmony and shared familiar and new Christmas songs. Later on in the day, some of Saviour's School came over to our school to sing along too.
Article 14: You have the right to choose your own religion and beliefs.
Article 30: You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion.
Christmas lights switch on
On 6th of December, our school had its own Christmas light switch on in the hall. The children in every class got to decorate the Christmas tree as they were given a bauble each. At the end of the day, everyone came together to watch Miss D' Silva who was given the honor of switching the lights on. It was so heartwarming and in the end was a beautiful moment for the whole school to cherish.
Christmas in a Box
On 30th November, the children in year 4 had a Christmas workshop with savior church
where they were given boxes that had arts and crafts for them to color and customize.
Some children even got to dress up as the people in the story of Mary and Joseph.
Throughout the workshop they learned about the Christmas teachings of Jesus and the love
that God has for everyone in the world.
Taekwondo Championships
On the 1st December, the year 3 and 4 children were given an amazing opportunity to go and watch the 'Taekwondo Championship Grand Prix Final' at the Etihad. While they were there they got to take part in some taekwondo activities led by the coaches. It was really a thrilling experience for everyone.
Year 4 Class Assembly
Today our Year 4 children had their assembly, they got to present everything they have been learning since the start of the autumn term to the whole school. Thank you to all the Parents and carers that came along to watch too!
Hot Chocolate with Ms Shah
A massive well-done to Girls for doing so well in your dance show, Ms Shah was so impressed that they were both invited to have some hot chocolate! We hope to see some of your dancing in school one day.
Book Gifting Roadshow
On Monday 20th November, our school were lucky enough receive some new books from a delightful charity called 'Wood Street Mission'. Every child got the chance to choose three books which they could take home and keep. They also got given some lovely red bags to put their books in! everyone was so grateful and excited to share their new books.
Friendship week
Between the 13th and 17th of November our school took part in friendship week. This year our theme is 'Make a noise about bullying.' Every year group undertook different activities in their PSHE lessons, on Monday the children began the week by coming to school in odd socks to celebrate how different we all are. They also made posters about 'Making a noise' and what to do when someone is bullying you.
Article 31 states "Every child has the right to rest and play"
Cinema trip
On Friday the 10th November, the year 3 and 4 children were rewarded to go and watch
'Trolls Band Together'
To get there, we got to go on the tram, everyone had a fun, relaxing and amazing time!
African Drumming
Each week Year 4 has been taking part in African drumming. In our African Drumming every single child in a class room has their own drum and they will learn some African rhythms with unusual but rather amazing grooves. Take a look, they sound amazing!
Article 22 states "every child has a right to seek refuge in a safe country"
Little Angel Theatre's suitcase show
On the 7th November, year 4 had the privilege of watching a show developed with children from the Welcome Drama Club who have refugee/migrant/asylum seeker backgrounds. The show was all about how and why you should make people feel welcomed. afterwards the Little Angel Theatre team organized a work shop where the children got creative and made their own magic books and inside designed their recipes for a magic potion. Everyone had such a fun and enlightening experience.
On Friday mornings, year 3 and 4 take part in taekwondo sessions with an excellent trainer, here they learn the skills they need to self-defense, while also improving their flexibility, balance, posture, strength, and stamina along the way.
Mountain models: K2, Aconcagua, Denali and Mont Blanc
This term in Geography we are looking at mountains. Over half-term, the children made some models using different materials and recourses that were so brilliant they got to show them to the rest of the school in our celebration assembly. Everyone was very impressed, well done!
Today we had our Harvest Festival. Hannah from Saviour Church came to do our assembly supported by some of our amazing year 6 pupils. We were lucky enough to have lots of donations from some of our wonderful families. We have been able to make lots of parcels for people who may be struggling a little in these difficult times.
During our music lessons, we have been looking at how sound is carefully used in the film and TV industry. The children experimented and worked in groups with the musical instruments to produce their own sound effects for the cartoon 'Tom and Jerry'.
Article 31 states "every child has the right to leisure, play and culture"
Year 4 tennis trip
On October 6th, the children visited the Etihad tennis center where they could hone their tennis skills under the guidance of the tennis coach, here they were taught key skills like how to control the ball when hitting it, the importance of team work and hand-eye coordination techniques.
Diwali, India's biggest and most important holiday of the year, is a festival of lights that celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil and the human ability to overcome. The children celebrated this by making their own lanterns as a way of lighting up our school year.
Every Wednesday after school, some children from each class get the chance to take part in boxing sessions with the fitness coach, this term our year 4 children are...
Article 28 states that "Every child has the right to an education"
Friday 15th September 'Take over day'
The children in year 4 had the opportunity to teach some lessons that they had chosen in class for the day, lessons such as Maths, PE and Science were planned and delivered by the children which allowed them to get a feel of what it's like to be a teacher within the school.
Everybody looked very professional and had so much fun!
Every Thursday morning after break time the children have a Yoga session with Miss Wright. This is useful as:
- Yoga helps children manage their anxiety
- Yoga improves children's emotional regulation
- Yoga boosts children's self-esteem
- Yoga increases children's body awareness and mindfulness
- Yoga enhances children's concentration and memory
- Yoga develops children's strength and flexibility
Parliament week
As part of our parliament week, the children in school got to vote for class representatives for the ECO Group and the Ethos and Inclusion Group.
Year 4's Eco Representatives | Year 4's Ethos and Inclusion Representatives |