Our Vision
‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity’ (The National Curriculum)
Our music curriculum intends to inspire creativity and self-expression, encouraging children to work together with others to create, compose, rehearse and perform. We aspire to create a life-long love of music in our children by exposing them to a wealth of musical genres, experiences, composers and artists and igniting a passion for music. By providing children with performance opportunities through singing, playing and composing we will enable them to become confident and reflective musicians.
The aims of our music curriculum are to develop children who can -
Sing solo and in group ensembles
Play a range of tuned and untuned instruments musically,
Create and compose using the inter-related dimensions of music,
Listen to and appraise music from a range of genres and historical periods,
Use music technology where appropriate,
Begin to understand musical notation,
Perform to an audience,
Visit and perform in concert halls, theatres and buildings of cultural importance.
At St Augustine's we aim for all children to reach their full potential through our music curriculum and that it supports children to grow socially, spiritually and emotionally whilst developing their growth mind-set values of determination, resilience and perseverance.
Throughout their time at St Augustine's, children will have the opportunity to visit and perform at a range of culturally important venues such as The Royal Northern College of Music, The Royal Exchange Theatre, The Bridgewater Hall, Halle St Peter's.
Through listening to and appraising a wide range of music from different cultures, genres and times, children will develop an understanding of the history and the geography of music – how music has evolved and its cultural significance (e.g. spirituals, blues, jazz, pop, classical.) Musical Trailblazers, female composers and musicians who have overcome prejudices will support the school’s inclusive ethos.
Children will have a good understanding of key vocabulary and will be able to build on knowledge of pulse, rhythm and pitch develop this year on year. End of year expectations will be met.
The music curriculum ensures that children have opportunities to sing, play, compose, perform and evaluate. This is embedded through structured classroom music lessons using the progressive "Sing Up Music" scheme as a basis. Progression grids for each year group illustrate expectations and have clear learning outcomes. Sing Up, Classical 100, Classroom 200, Sparkyard and BBC 10 pieces are also used to enrich and support children’s learning through cross-curricular links. Whole school singing assemblies take place weekly and children perform in school regularly through class assemblies and key stage productions. Musical elements and vocabulary are taught during curriculum lessons and monthly music appreciation assemblies and children have a good knowledge of musical language. Whole class instrumental teaching (Wider Opportunities) takes place across Key Stage 2 with weekly African Drumming lessons provided by a visiting music specialist for Years 3 and 4 and ukulele lessons for Year 5. Years 2-5 also benefit from weekly singing and notation lessons (Primary Robins) provided by a specialist music teacher from Grange Park Opera. Instrumental and singing teaching builds on from previous learning, developing children’s understanding of musical notation, playing as an ensemble and performing.
What's been going on in Music across school this term?